Join this newsletter to imagine a vibrant, relevant church that is focused on serving community. Join us to chat about how to make a difference in difficult times. Join us to hear what other churches are doing. Join us to focus on mission. Join us to appreciate small church. Join us to wrestle with poverty and wealth. Join us to care for the those on the margins. Act! Be Church Now.
I serve two congregations that have resolved their financial issues, but still need to ask how much energy they have to be church. With the money, you either have enough, or you don't. With energy, it is hard to say. Maybe I don't want to lead, but I'm willing to follow. And yet, is there someone to lead? Sometimes church is done because we just have enough energy to keep going. Heading to Jerusalem I wrote an article for Congregations Magazine (Alban Institute) called Journey to Jerusalem....
One thing weird about scheduling newsletters is that I'm writing on Sunday but need to act like it's a week later Monday morning. It's exactly the opposite of "being in the moment". Pastors struggle with this all the time! We plan Lent in January, and in March, before Easter even happens, I'll need a plan for May and June. But still it's important to think about being in the present--in this place and at this time. Be Here Now Small church ministry is very much a ministry of place. We are...
Today's story is written by The Rev. Cn. Meg Wagner, Canon to the Ordinary, The Episcopal Diocese of Iowa. She graduated Episcopal Divinity School in 2015. Churches can be slow to act (and that slow pace is one of our strengths). And in this time, we also need a group that is able to act quickly. They didn't end the legislation, but they were present for a group of God's children who are under attack. Iowa Gender Identity Erasure Act Through our diocesan partnerships with Interfaith Alliance...